Saturday, August 8, 2009

Can pushups replace bench presses?

i'm 15 and don't really feel that comfortable going to the gym. Also, i don't have enough room for a weight bench at home. I heard that pushups can get similar results to bench presses. IS THIS TRUE?
sort of you wont get as good results and it will take some time. push ups tone a different muscle then benchpressing does soo push ups are ok but you wont get the same results as benchpresses
TRUE...and it also help more on the back muscles
It is somewhat true, you just can't vary your weight like you can with a bench, unless you stack things on your back (which some do).
Put a pack on your back with weight in it, normal pushups will just tone rather than build.
Actually pushups are better because you work out more muscle groups than bench presses.
Sort will probably get more definition from pushups but benchpresses will definitely make you stronger than pushups will and will build up your chest at the same time. Benchpressing is definitely superior to pushups, I know from experience.
Well doing a push-up is kind of similar but if you have a bench press you can increase the weight you use and get stronger. If you just do push ups then you'll only be using half of what you weigh (for example if you weigh 200 pounds you'll be pushing up around 90 pounds) so yeah but why don't you feel comfortable being in a Gym? HOnestly pushups can't replace the bench press but pushups help you while you don't have a bench press.
I've heard using your own weight to gain muscles is safe and effective. Instead of going to the gym and piling on a bunch or weights you are using your weight to build your muscles up. Granted you can only go so far in doing this because you only weigh as much as you weigh, but if you are uncomfortable going to the gym this is a good option! goodluck
Yup...pushups do replace a bench press. In fact...You can do all kinds of variations (think some yoga moves) and get more muscles involved at the same time. The biggest benefit to pushups is that they also work the core muscles...abs, obliques, extensors (low back) as you have to keep your body straight while doing a proper pushup. your're still growing. Using your own body weight is the best thing to do.All you have to do to compliment your push get a chin up bar.can fit right in a doorway. With will have hit the entire upper body. Do some squats and lunges...and you pretty much did a complete workout! This is exactly what I have instructed my 17 year old son prior to his boot camp this 6'5" tall...we want his joints healthy for any more growth potential.Keep moving!
you will get faster results from the bench press. I've done both weight training and body resistance only training at a time when I couldn't get to the gym because of work. Body resistance got me in shape (I could do three sets of 50 push ups, sit ups, squats and lunges every day, then run for 2-3 miles on the weekends) but it took a couple of months to really notice myself toning up. With weights you'll see results in three weeks or less.That being said, how many push ups can you do? If you struggle to do even 20, yeah, its a great place to start. But do them a couple of times a day and not quite to muscle failure. Do three sets of them.I like the advice above to mix in squats and lunges and pull ups. I'd say do some crunches, too, and you'd be set. And sign up for a sport! At 15, get active. Don't worry if you struggle for a while. You need to start building some lifetime fitness habits, and playing sports is a great way to start.

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