Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can someone tell me what the effects of too much tea are?

my tea contans:
200ml boiled water
30ml skimmed milk
sweetner: sweetex (no calorie)
i drink 6 cups a day
i dont mix the tea bag much!
same a coffee, but with an english tint!!
tea contains zinc and it can make your hair go grey.
anything in excess is bad. A good lesson to live by
The amount you are drinking, none.
Apparently, drinking tea is as good as drinking water.
Don't worry about it...enjoy!
tea has caffiene in it, too much will give you the jitters and can cause an irregular heart rate.
the effect is that you will spend more time at the toilet peeing...not rocket science and not an answer to get 10 points but a laugh anyway ha ha
it could stain your teeth like coffee does
too much sweetex is bad cause its only chemicals(thats why theres no calories)
bad teeth and unable to sleep
Tea is a diuretic which means you will lose most of the water contained in the tea. It contains caffeine which increases heart rate and, if drunk before bed, will make you unable to sleep. On the other hand:

Tea without milk has no calories.
Using semi-skimmed milk adds around 13 calories per cup, but you also benefit from valuable minerals and calcium.
Tea with milk provides 21% of daily calcium requirement in 4 cups
Tea contains some zinc and folic acid
Tea with milk contains Vitamin B6, Riboflavin B2 and Thiamin B1
Tea is a source of the minerals manganese, essential for bone growth and body development, and potassium, vital for maintaining body fluid levels
The average cup of tea contains less than half the level of caffeine than coffee. One cup contains only 50mg per 190ml cup
Tea is a natural source of fluoride and drinking four cups makes a significant contribution to your daily intake
Only 11% of UK water supply has fluoride added
Green and black teas are from the same plant, Camelia sinensis, and contain similar amounts of antioxidants and caffeine
Tea is a caramel-colored drink and too much of it over a long period of time could cause kidney stones. I love tea myself and I'm just taking my chances.
u get full
Drinking tea straight after a meal is bad as it prevents any vitamins and minerals from being absorbed in the body.
Try swapping a few of your 6 cups to water or herbal tea.
Tea contains caffeine so you will get the shakes if you drink too much of it.

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