Let me start off saying i need to lose a lot of weight, at least 100lbs. Its hard for me to eat a little bit at a time. So.. for breakfast i eat 2 bowls of Special K, then i do the same for lunch. Then for dinner i eat a lean gourmet meal, and orange, a kiwi, and other fruits. Then for any snacks in between i have special K. All i drink is water, and with my special k i drink fat free milk.There are calories in special K, but no calories from fat. All i want to know is am i hurting my body with all of this cereal? I also walk about 3-5 hours a day. I burn lots of calories doing so. Any tips i would appreciate it! Thank you!!
Dear you! Special K cereal along with most cereals on store shelves contain "fructose" worst poison than white sugar... The only one that I know for sure in the store that doesn't have it is "life" cereal... and Nature's Path which you can get at some grocery stores and at health food stores. It's great that you drink water as it's the best form of medecine bar none for the body... Your fruits should be eaten as snacks! not at the same time as your meal... The first meal of the day could and should be your biggest meal of all... with eggs, meat, fish, whole wheat toast, (anything you want!); fish such as sardines would be great for lunch; with pickles. crackers, pickles, etc. The last meal of the day, should be any vegetable and legume such as black-eyed peas (beans) as this would change your sugars into pure energy for the next day... A supplement of omega 3-6-9 will help the water flush your bad fat and turn bad cholesterol into the good kind... and as long as you munch on fruit or veggie (raw) when hungry, (in between meals) you won't gain! from such foods. It's not just what we eat that matters but when we eat it as well. It's best to drink at least half an hour before a meal or at least an hour after the meal... Black coffee can stop the onset of an asthma attack... Stevia is from a sweet plant and can be used to replace sugar in your drinks, etc. Juice is only good if fresh, right fresh from the fruit and not anything you could buy in a store... Green tea cleans you out good and has all sorts of health benefits... There are hundreds of ways you can prepare the beans (last meal) and for your vegetables, you can add sea salt (no more table salt) and lemon juice (fresh lemon) with a bit of cold-pressed olive oil... a bit of black pepper won't hurt... There is no reason for you to go hungry. And you need these foods for a healthy body... Read the ingredients before buying anything and remember "no fructose" which is one of the worst things that can be added to foods... like MSG which is very bad for us as well... If ever you get constipated, take a couple of prunes a day... Nuts, almond for migraine (3/day) in the morning always! not at night! and every other nut you can get for mornings are great for you as well but only raw nuts and unsalted... The more natural the foods the better off you will be... Good health to you... At this point, ten glasses of fresh water a day is great!
this is going to work trust me my frtined needed to lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks and thsi helped her she looks great nowgood luck!
Well, I too am trying to lose weight and I think cereal is most likely good for you. I only drink water, and I count my calories, but sadly I've only lost 9lbs since Christmas... it stinks! If you are doing anything in particular that you see really helps you lose weight faster please contact me because I'd love to speed up this very slow process.
its kinda gross...but grapefruits are good. i found that the actual grapefruit isnt as potant tasting as the juice. you could even water it down since all you do is drink water.make sure you take a multi vitamin at least i mean...3 - 5 hours is a good bit...just please..please..dont let it become a really bad out of control habbit.
You need to have enough sleep too. Sufficient sleep can reduce weight gain .
Well, I would replace some of your Special K servings with a whole grain option...whole grain hot or cold cereal or toast. Whole grains have more fiber, take longer to digest and help you to feel fuller longer. Plus, I think Special K is made from white rice which converts to sugar in your body. I don't have any Special K at my house but I have a similiar store brand ...it doesn't taste like it has sugar in it but it does and it has high fructose corn syrup as well. A lower sugar option might also be better, but definitely look for whole grains - it will make a difference. But if you want to make few more changes it wouldn't hurt...like at lunch maybe a half (or whole) turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with mustard and some fruit or veggies. A little more variety might help you to stick to the diet better...try snacks like a few pretzels, a sugar-free jello, a light yogurt or anything else that is 100 calories or less.
Special K is a pretty good cereal choice because it has no fat and is pretty low cal. But I would suggest varying your carb intake. Include some whole grain breads and pastas, and incorporate veggies into your diet any way you can. Also, I would recommend getting other sources of protein (Im sure you get some at dinner, but try to add some to your other meals). Have some lowfat yogurt with your breakfast, or maybe a scrambled egg.
I buy Natures Own Double Fiber wheat bread. It has 5 grams of fiber per slice (and only 40 calories) and it is very filling because it has so much fiber. Makes very filling sandwiches as well!
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