Saturday, August 8, 2009

Can I lose weight with Ephedrine?

Would anyone recomend this stuff? Does it really work?
IndicationsEphedrine was once widely used as a topical decongestant and as a bronchodilator in the treatment for asthma. It continues to be used for these indications, although its popularity is waning due to the availability of more effective agents for these indications which exhibit fewer adverse effects. The role in nasal congestion has largely been replaced by more potent 伪-adrenergic receptor agonists (e.g. oxymetazoline). Similarly the role of ephedrine in asthma has been almost entirely replaced by 尾2-adrenergic receptor agonists (e.g. salbutamol). Ephedrine continues to be used intravenously in the reversal of hypotension from spinal/epidural anaesthesia. It is also used in other hypotensive states, including overdose with ganglionic blocking agents, antiadrenergic agents, or other medications that lower blood pressure. It can be used in narcolepsy and nocturnal enuresis.In traditional Chinese medicine, ephedrine has been used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis for centuries.An ECA stack is a component found in thermogenic weight loss pills, composed of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin (many supplement manufacturers include salicin instead of aspirin) working to speed up the metabolism and thus cause food energy to burn faster. The ECA stack is a popular supplement taken by body builders before workouts due to the increased amount of energy and alertness.For many years, the US Coast Guard recommended ephedrine together with an equal 25 mg dose of promethazine to its sailors to combat seasickness. Promethazine manages nausea and ephedrine fights the ensuing drowsiness. Commonly referred to as the Coast Guard cocktail, ephedrine may still be available for prescription for this purpose.[edit] Adverse effectsAdverse drug reactions (ADRs) are more common with systemic administration (e.g. injection or oral administration) compared to topical administration (e.g. nasal instillations). ADRs associated with ephedrine therapy include: * Cardiovascular: tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pain, vasoconstriction with hypertension
* Dermatological: flushing, sweating, acne vulgaris
* Gastrointestinal: nausea, appetite loss
* Genitourinary: increased urine output due to increased blood flow (difficulty urinating is not uncommon, as alpha-agonists such as ephedrine constrict the internal urethral sphincter, mimicking the effects of sympathetic nervous system stimulation)
* Nervous system:restlessness, confusion, insomnia, mild euphoria, mania/hallucinations (rare except in previously existing psychiatric conditions), delusions, formication (may be possible, but lacks documented evidence) paranoia, hostility, panic, stereotypical behaviour ('obsessive compulsive' or repetitive tasks such as cleaning, grooming, organizing items arbitrarily) agitation
* Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema
* Miscellaneous: dizziness, headache, tremor, hyperglycemic reactionsThe approved maximum daily dosage of ephedrine for use as a bronchodilator is 150mg, as specified on the packaging of the bronchodilator and expectorant combination, Bronkaid, made by Bayer pharmaceuticals.Overdose can lead to death, although the approved dose is not likely to cause severe reactions when used as directed.Ephedrine can also lead to damage of the brain receptors over a period of high usage; this is because of its constant action on the neurochemicals. It also leads to high increase in blood pressure which over time can lead to damage in the blood vessels.
yeah it works and i would reccomend it if your RETARDED.never take this its illegal and 2 it causes heart complications and eats at your bones and muscle...never take it..if your taking a supplement for weight loss..check into some lipo 6 or hydroxycut hardcore!!
Its very bad for your heart!

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