Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Can fruit juices increase body weight??

Yes,they can increase body weight, but you would need a lot! Fruit juices contain carbohydrate - the sugars in the fruit occuring naturally.
Of course, a healthy person would have to consume an incredible amount to gain weight with fruit juice but it can happen.
For persons with certain health issues, e.g. hyperinsulinemia or an insulin resistance, they will gain weight more noticeably with juices.
fruits are just oxident
and helps you to keep breathe easier
may be banana can raise problem for weight
if you take excessive with milk
According to my daughters dietician, yes they can; in excess. If you are allowed 4 servings of fruit per day, one small glass is equal to 1 serving. Definitely limit your juice intake and move toward water. If you don't particularly care for water, add one of those sugar-free powders to your water bottle for some flavor. This trick worked for my daughter and she is losing weight.
Definitely YES!Fruit juice although natural are made up of simple and complex sugars, it's the simple sugars that will get you.What you need to do, is to eat the fruit itself. Between the fiber in the fruit and several enzymes and nutrients in the fruit that juice doesn't supply will make the fruit a dieters dream.The fiber also slows down the the absorption of fruit sugar so that it doesn't spike your blood sugar-juice spikes it right away. Make sure that you eat plenty of fruit during the day, but avoid prepackaged juices.Did you know that the white part of the orange, the pith is where most of your vitamins are? You don't get this in juice.
Fruit juices contain a lot of calories. Way more then eating a piece of fruit. The problem people run into is they think fruit juices are health so they can drink a lot. Others replace soda with fruit juice and think its gong to make them healthier.Look at the calories and the size of the servings.

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