Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can someone tell me if Honey & Cinnamon mix really works for losing weight?

What about acne. Has someone used it as a medication against acne?
I've never heard of this mixture being good for anything except in a baking recipe. I assume that one is supposed to consume honey %26 cinnamon in copious amounts to lose weight?? Well, I very much doubt that it will work and in fact you might gain weight instead. Honey, although it is healthier than refined white sugar, it is still sugar. Its chemical composition with respect to carbohydrates is mostly fructose and glucose, with some maltose, sucrose and other complex carbohydrates. So large amounts of this stuff will not be good for you. What makes it "healthier" is that honey also contains vitamins, minerals and some antioxidants.With regard to acne and medicinal uses, Wikipedia says that honey has an antiseptic effect and can work like hydrogen peroxide. So you might be able to apply it topically and it may fight the bacteria that is causing acne on your skin. But at the same time the sugar might feed the bacteria and the sticky honey might clog your pores. I don't know for sure so you can give it a try but you would be better off buying a acne cream or medication that is on the market.good luck.
yeah, erm thats the diet beyonce used to drop 20 lbs in 2 weeks, as soon as she started eating normally again it came straight back on like over night, i dont think it woyuld be good for acne, your best of using a cream/ medication that you apply tpo the skin, not eat but also remeber the best way to get rid of zits/ spots is plenty of water and oily fish e.g salmon, makeral etc

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